Philomène Irawaddy

Jazz singer and composer of songs for children

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Latest news from singer and music composer Philomène Irawaddy


  • June 5, 2024

Publication of the book “Balade à Paris”


  • July 27, 2024 at 8 and 10 p.m.

Baiser salé jazz club – 58, rue des Lombards – 75001 Paris


Great American Songbook & Great French Songs


Two concert programmes celebrating the Great American Songbook and some of the most beloved French songs: Cole Porter joins Charles Trénet, Tom Jobim rubs shoulders with Georges Brassens, Ella Fitzgerald reaches out to Edith Piaf. For this musical and cultural journey, Philomène is accompanied by three virtuosos of the French jazz scene. For all vocal jazz lovers … and for our visiting friends from all over the world!


Franck Avitabile, piano
Yoni Zelnik, bass
Philippe Soirat, drums
Philomène Irawaddy, vocal


Discover Philomène’s Gallery, photos and videos